Togodoo: A Pathwalk With The African 13 Moon Cycles

Togodoo is a circular image created with natural icons depicting Primal Patterns. Togodoo like Mandalas and Medicine Wheels, empower the participants to journey into their primal chamber of the unconscious in order to tap into the hidden creative and healing energies. Togodoo is the African Spiritual Path Walk Leading to the Ancestral Connection and Continuity.

The Icons used in creating the Togodoo include: stone, crystal, grains, flowers, shells, bones, sand, beads, food items of various kinds, the endless gifts given to us by Mama Earth. Togodoo is the tribal Foundation of the people. Togodoo is the Eye of the People into the Universe. African cosmology is better understood by participating in Togodoo Ceremonies, Seminars, Workshops, Personal Counseling, and Initiation.

A person, can access his or her personal healing powers, creativity, direction in life, relationship building, ancestral connectedness etc. by creating Togodoo. Group, Family, Couple, and Individual Classes are available .

Togodoo or Mandala from Artican perspective is the Totality of the individual is in the Tribe/Society and the full expression of the individual through the extended family, clan as well as the tribe support. In the process of creating the Togodoo or allowing the Togodoo to emerge the People sing, dance, play the drums, cook meals, weave, create new families, that is to say in the Togodoo the people live and die , therefore the individual will say " We are There for I am".

Togodoo is always singular - not Togodos. The images are worth more than words.

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